Slawomir Szulecki

CTO / Head of International Development

Abanga Group Ltd.


I am a seasoned business-man and a serial entrepreneur.

My background is civil & water  engineering. I was studying on Technical University in Warsaw (Poland) and in Hannover (Germany).

I have 12 years of experience in different projects in Africa, mostly in agriculture sector.

As a Managing Partner of the Abanga Group with subsidiaries such as Abanga Farms & Food Systems LtdAbanga Foods LtdA & G Agro-Mechanical Industries Ltd and Direct Farm Services Ltd, I am deeply committed to the global community as a promoter of innovative agronomic practices towards rural agricultural development.

I believe Green Innovation and Technology are key to boosting Africa’s agriculture and empowering people to lift themselves out of poverty.

a Better World
Through Partnerships

Our Group of Companies

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Abanga Group
335 Place, North Dzorwulu, Airport Area, Accra, Ghana
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